Windows Live Writer 2011

Really enjoying the new Windows Live Writer 2011.

I was a little concerned that the development team might decide to take this nice sleek stripped back tool and give it some “features”. Thankfully they haven’t gone after the spec. sheet and added in a whole load off new things.

The ribbon interface is most welcome and it looks a bit neater, but apart from that it does what it says.

And I don’t want it to do any more than that thanks.Smile

Rebuilding reputation – search and connections

I’m about the shut down my old blog address and move exclusively to this one, so I thought I would write a little about my experiences.

Walla CragI’ve not been updating the other one for a while now, the traffic has mostly moved over because of the joy of RSS and Twitter.

What hasn’t moved over are a few search terms where I was quite prominent. These were relating to my posts on Windows Live Writer Dictionary, Windows Server Single Instance Storage and most significantly all of the thinking about Brain Strength.

The posts on Windows Live Writer Dictionary are largely obsolete, and the information on Single Instance Storage in Windows is very old now.

There are still a bucket load of internal links to fix, but I’ll get around to that in time.

It’s certainly not a seamless exercise, but it’s quite nice to go through it and know that my data is mostly portable.